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Moodle 2.4 saw the introduction of the MUC: Moodle Universal Cache. The cache is actually comprised of a number of smaller caches, defined in /lib/db/caches.php and the caches.php files of the various plugins (e.g. mod/yourmod/db/caches.php).

See the Cache API and the Quick reference. The most succinct overview is in Moodle's github repo.

How to Use The Cache

In your plugin, create a file db/caches.php:

$definitions = array(
    'labelcontent' => array(
        'mode' => cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION,
        'simplekeys' => true, // keys limited to a-zA-Z0-9_ (better performance)
        'simpledata' => true, // data type limited to scalar (e.g. strings, integers) or array of scalars

Now you're ready to use the cache in your code. Use the current language as part of your key:

    $cache = cache::make('mod_my_plugin', 'labelcontent');
    // Compose the cache key, e.g. based on the instance id of your plugin
    $key = current_language() . $id;
    if (!$data = $cache->get($key)) {
        // Data was not cached yet, so retrieve:
        $data = $DB->get_record('mdl_my_plugin_some_table', array('id' => $id));
        $cache->set($key, $data);
    return $data;

Invalidate Cache

Delete Cache by Key

To delete a cache, you first have to retrieve the cache, using a make function ('make' denotes the activity of using a class factory, not the making of a cache). Then, using the cache object, you can call the delete method.

// Delete the cache, for caching issue with groups
$cache = cache::make('core', 'groupdata');

How do you know which id you can use as the parameter for cache#delete? If you created the cache key yourself, then you use that key of course:

$cache->delete(current_language() . $id);

For other cases it looks as though it's defined in the lib/db/caches.php file. For instance, for groupdata, the definition is:

// Groupings belonging to a course.
// A simple cache designed to replace $GROUPLIB_CACHE->groupings.
// Items are organised by course id and are essentially course records.
'groupdata' => array(
    'mode' => cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION,
    'simplekeys' => true, // The course id the groupings exist for.
    'simpledata' => true, // Array of stdClass objects containing only strings.
    'staticacceleration' => true, // Likely there will be a couple of calls to this.
    'staticaccelerationsize' => 2, // The original cache used 1, we've increased that to two.

Invalidate Cache by Definition

The other method to delete a cache, is by using the cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition method:

cache_helper::invalidate_by_definition('core', 'databasemeta', array('dbfamily' => $DB->get_dbfamily()));

If you're ever want to modify the database through your mod's install.php file, you're going to need this helper!

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