====== Multimedia ====== ===== Change Dimensions of Video Player ===== The dimensions of the embedded video player are defined here: ''/lib/medialib.php''. Code: if (!defined('CORE_MEDIA_VIDEO_WIDTH')) { // Default video width if no width is specified; some players may do something // more intelligent such as use real video width. // May be defined in config.php if required. define('CORE_MEDIA_VIDEO_WIDTH', 600); } if (!defined('CORE_MEDIA_VIDEO_HEIGHT')) { // Default video height. May be defined in config.php if required. define('CORE_MEDIA_VIDEO_HEIGHT', 450); } So, you can also change the settings through config.php, by including these constants. ===== Private Videos through Vimeo ===== You can't serve private videos through YouTube, you need a Vimeo Plus account (about €50 or $60 a year). In Vimeo, you can select to only serve videos through specific domains, e.g. your Moodle's domain. ===== Responsive Videos through FitVids.js ===== By default, videos are not responsive in Moodle. However, if you use e.g. the Essential theme, they will be. In the background, Essential uses FitVids.js to make them responsive.